Whilst many umbrella companies comply with tax rules, some attempt to break them. If you use an umbrella which operates tax avoidance schemes, you could be personally liable for a large tax bill, even if you did not intend to avoid tax.
Are you looking for doctor jobs with flexible shifts and great rates, whilst making a difference to patient's lives, in some of the most prestigious trusts in London? Keen to learn more about doctor's rotation? Read our guide.
Your complete guide to the UCLH Staff Bank.Bank Partners has been working closely with UCLH for nearly 15 years, providing support for temporary staffing across all staffing groups, including nurses, doctors, allied health professionals and admin and clerical.
As part of the NHS' largest partner, Acacium Group, the Bank Partners team have unique insight into the challenges and opportunities within the UK's health service. Over the past year, Acacium Group has worked closely with the NHS to help provide it with the added flexibility it needs to grow capacity at short notice to meet surges in demand. This experience has equipped us with insight into how NHS capacity can be maximised in the months and years to come. One of these areas is new staffing solutions specifically for Primary Care Networks.
As a valued part of the Bank Partners workforce, you are eligible for some fantastic offers and discounts just for NHS workers. We have put together a useful summary of the type of offers you can enjoy as well as the resources you help you through this challenging time.