Category: Nursing

Skills testing – What is it and why do I need it?

By Amy Williamson on 19/06/19
Tagged in nhs staff bank

These tests are an opportunity to see if you do have the skills and abilities you would need if you get the job. If you fail, you can move on to your next job application. That’s far better than being given a role you are unsuited to and wasting time in a job you dislike.

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Why Student Nurses Can ‘Bank’ on more experience with the NHS

By Amy Williamson on 07/05/19
Tagged in nhs staff bank

Student nursing is one of the most challenging but rewarding career paths you can take. However, it can also be a huge financial burden and many student’s nurses find themselves looking for extra work to help out. It can be complicated to find something that fits in alongside working a placement and completing assignments. That’s why working as a nursing assistant through the staff bank can be a great opportunity.

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2019 Client Survey Results: How Did We Measure Up?

By Elizabeth Major on 11/04/19
Tagged in nhs staff bank

At Bank Partners we are committed to ensuring we provide an excellent service and high-quality candidates. Part of this commitment means we understand the importance of gaining feedback. Without the feedback our clients and candidates provide, we wouldn’t be able to learn what is and isn’t working and ensure we are continually improving our service.

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Survival tips for night shift nursing

By Amy Williamson on 04/04/19
Tagged in nhs staff bank

Night shifts, often known as the graveyard shift, require you to be working away whilst the rest of the world slumbers. Providing high quality patient care, throughout the night when many of your patients will be sleeping. Whether you are on a patient specialling shift, or working with a number of patients across the ward, night shifts can be complex. How do you stay awake when the person, or people you are charged with monitoring, are fast asleep?

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What is patient specialling and how can you excel at it?

By Amy Williamson on 05/03/19
Tagged in nhs staff bank

Finding yourself in hospital can be a distressing and often frightening experience for patients. Despite the reassurance of a family, friends and a medical team there are those with more particular needs, such as those suffering from memory problems, who will be confused and disorientated during their stay.

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