
Bank Partners works with each trust to create a robust recruitment strategy, covering difficult to fill areas, which ensures we achieve strong fill rates across the board. We will never compromise on the quality of the bank workers we supply, and have strict processes in place to ensure all our workers meet the standards required to work in one of our staff banks.

Bank Partners is proud to be part of the national framework for managed workforce staff bank, which demonstrates the reputation we have developed over the years for high quality service provision and safe employment practices. We have a strict compliance process in place when taking on new bank workers, which adheres to the NHS employment check standards.

Further to the NHS Employment check standards and the framework, Bank Partners submits fully to our clients’ audits. We are confident in our ability to achieve the full level of compliance you require and staff your wards with workers who have sufficient skills and knowledge. These audits will vary depending on the trust, and we have often found that trusts feel so confident in our ability that they reduce the audit frequency. Claire London, Head of Compliance at University College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust had this to say about our standards:

"The audit team found 100% compliance with all core pre-employment checks undertaken by the UCLH bank team. In addition, the ongoing monthly in-house reviews undertaken by the trust find compliance levels to be consistently high, with strong evidence of good practice in relation to aspects of the recruitment process which are carried out above and beyond the mandatory requirements"

Finally, Bank Partners submits to a series of internal audits by our clinical governance teams. We are accredited to ISO 27001, and always ensure we adhere to the most up-to-date standards and legislations. 

For more information on our clinical governance, click here.